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Conditions of access and use of the website

The following terms and conditions regulate the conditions of sale of tickets for the IRUDIKA International Professional Illustration Fair promoted and organised by the Professional Association of Illustrators of the Basque Country - Euskal irudigileak, whose registered office is at Atxuri 16, bajo 49006 Bilbao and e-mail, and which has the following tax identification number G95286597, which is registered in the General Register of Associations of the Basque Country as ASOCIACIÓN PROFESIONAL DE ILLUSTRADORES DE EUSKADI - EUSKAL IRUDIGILEAK (APIE-EIEP) with number AS/B/20813/2017 The acquisition of the ticket represents the acceptance of the following conditions:

1. Acceptance of the general terms and conditions

By acquiring and/or holding the tickets, users agree these general terms and conditions in full.
By acquiring and/or holding the ticket, the user accepts all of these general conditions. Browsing the website implies awareness and acceptance of the terms and conditions that govern it and are applicable to its pages and contents.

2. Entry types

2.1 - GENERAL ENTRANCE (60€) Grants access to all meeting activities during the entire meeting.

2.2 - DISCOUNTED TICKET (50€), reduced ticket only the first 100 before 15th September. It grants the right of access to all the activities during the whole meeting.
Registration process and ticket purchase:

  • Enter the personal data requested.
  • Accept the purchase conditions and click on "Finish registration" after which you will be redirected to the payment gateway.
  • Complete the payment details.
  • You will receive an email informing you that your account, username, and password have been activated. By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to the IRUDIKA website to start the session.

If you have had any problems during the purchase process, you can contact IRUDIKA at We guarantee that the information you provide is true and you are responsible for informing us of any changes or updates to this information. Therefore, you will be solely responsible for responding to any false or inaccurate information you provide and for the data you provide in your dealings with us and other users.

3. Purchase of tickets 

3.1.- In the event of cancellation by IRUDIKA (except for unforeseen circumstances or force majeure), the price of the tickets will be refunded. All fees will be returned, and the attendee will receive a refund. The refund will be made to the current account associated with the card used by the purchaser in the process of purchasing the tickets within a period of no more than 15 calendar days from the date of public notification of the cancellation.

3.2.- Once the ticket has been purchased, the attendee will not be able to return it and the amount will not be refunded under any circumstances, except for the one mentioned in point.

4. Access and activities during the meeting.

4.1.- Technical requirements

  • Stable Internet connection. Remember that the quality of the audio and video varies greatly depending on the connection you have.
  • Works with iPad, iPhone, tablets, smartphones and personal computers.
  • For live video conferencing: Mac OS x 10.11 or higher; Windows 7 or higher
  • The recordings can be consulted from any computer or mobile device.
  • If you have another operating system, please contact us at so that we can help you

4.2.- If you have confirmed appointments: It is especially important to respect the time established for them.

5. Alteration or suspension of the event

5.1.- The Organisation reserves the right to alter, modify or suspend the IRUDIKA programme at any time.

5.2.- The Organisation shall make its best efforts to avoid the inconvenience that the modification or suspension of the IRUDIKA programme may cause.

5.3.- The total or partial cancellation of IRUDIKA due to fortuitous causes or force majeure will not give rise to a refund of the cost of the ticket, and the organisation reserves the right to modify or alter the programme in the event that a speaker cancels his/her presence unilaterally.

6. Intellectual and industrial property

The entire contents and elements comprising admission, the admission system and any documents and/or elements given before the above are handed over, or which are required for their acquisition, and/or associated to the above (including texts and the graphical elements associated to it -design, source code, brands, logotypes, photographs, buttons, colour combinations and, in general, any elements comprising a novel intellectual creation- as well as their presentation, structure, organisation, layout and assembly) are exclusively held by or licensed to the holder and are protected by Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, de 12 de abril, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. [Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, approving the redrafted text of the Intellectual Property Law]. These elements cannot be exploited, reproduced, distributed, amended, publicly communicated, assigned, or transformed, unless there is an express authorisation granted by the aforesaid holder(s) of the rights. Acquiring and/or holding the ticket and/or system of admission does not grant users any prerogatives, or any ownership of intellectual or industrial property rights of the elements they encompass.

7. Privacy and data protection

The personal data of the users of this website will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Policy and current regulations on the protection of personal data.

8. Legal reserve

The Organisation shall be entitled to take any legal measures, both civil and criminal, that it deems appropriate against those responsible for any attempted fraud, break-in and/or damage caused to the Organisation, directly or indirectly.

9. Applicable law and competent courts

These conditions shall be governed by the applicable Spanish legislation. When the applicable legislation allows the parties to choose the jurisdiction, the parties, expressly renouncing any other that may correspond to them, agree to submit knowledge of the differences that may arise from the interpretation or application of these conditions to the courts and tribunals of the city of Bilbao.